Roi Aharon


Gali first transformed into a radio wave in Koh-Phangan, at an Osho ashram, without Ayahuasca nor a guiding eagle.

Mukta-Ananda, the white linen covered, silky haired Indian man, had taught her an Asana that sends Prana directly from the Manipura to the crown chakra. He didn’t normally teach this particular Asana to all of his students; when the condensed energy of the pelvic is channeled towards the Sahasrara at the top of the scalp, a connection between upper and lower worlds takes place, which may be proved dangerous for the untrained soul.

Gali was a good student; she focused all of her Chi in the third eye until a spherical lump had crystalized in her forehead, her brain turned into a button that activates her body and she felt how her soul was pressing it – through the pineal gland – she then tossed the ball over the crown chakra and back to the base chakra, the frequency merged with the sacred quartz soil of the island, she continued with the circular motion, faster and faster, from the top down and again, until her body disappeared completely, only two singular dots at the top of the head and the soles of the feet remained materialized.

Scientifically speaking, all the cells in Gali’s body were transformed into energy, according to the fundamental formula of the general theory of relativity, Prana in its essence travels at the speed of light. Quantically speaking, once there was no one witnessing Gali’s being, not even her own self, she was able to exist as a wave and as a particle at the same time. Thus, in fact, and without telling, Gali had solved the most complex problem in the history of modern physics, embodied the theory of everything, united between the two theories, and gave birth to the Random Determinism or the Determinist Randomness.

The quantic wave had moved throughout the exotic hut, returned from one wall to another in different angles, until exiting through the window and scattering around the tropical jungle, uniting with a mango tree, diving into its roots, and rising once again through the veins of another tree, all the way to the edge of the leaf. The united frequency of Gali and the tree was twofold or even threefold, from that point she was launched into a waterfall until climbing at a right angle to the sky, the full moon had absorbed the oscillation and ejaculated it in the direction of Venus, then to Mercury and back to Koh-Phangan.

When Gali had returned to being a body, dawn has already risen.

Mukta-Ananda arrived around noon time – Gali had already changed her name to Waveli. They made tantric love, first focusing on the Svadhishthana, then the twelve petalled lotus flower of the heart chakra. When one resists the release of the clitoris and focuses on the cervix, the Shiva and the Shakti become one, the kundalini rises in an eightfold ecstatic orgasm via the spine to the Ajna and one understands everything.

Once finished, Mukta-Ananda asked Waveli whether she had met The Master during the vibrations.

Embarrassed, Waveli replied that no.

Keep practicing, said Mukta-Ananda, sooner or later they all meet The Master.

They walked barefoot on the beach, all the way to Buddha Bungalow, and ordered a superfood green smoothy with extra chia and linen seeds.

The superfood green smoothy with extra chia and linen seeds came with a plastic straw; Waveli despised plastic straws. It hurt her bones, to see how the unconscious beings treat the Pacha Mama, the sacred source of all that is. She immediately posted an angry post at the ‘Phangan Conscious Community’ Facebook group, reminding everyone that it’s our duty and obligation, as ones who do inner spiritual work, to raise ecological awareness in the minds of the Thai.

Kha-Pun-Ka, said Waveli to the vendor, since it was important for her to learn the local language. She offered to pay five Bhatt extra for the superfood smoothy, in order to fund dish washing instead of plastic, but the Thai kid didn’t understand English well enough.

Mukta-Ananda went to a Cacao ceremony, and Waveli returned to her cabin and went to the bookshelf. She was debating between a moderate critique of neoliberal economics, a guide to summoning abundance from the universe in six steps, or guitar for beginners; She has been studying for four years and only knows one chord. In the end she went with Netflix.

Her post has already garnered seventy-six likes, and eight reactions of hearts and clapping hands. The sympathetic feedback reminded her that she had an important role in this world. She turned off Netflix and sat down to meditate. Mukta-Ananda said that without practice she would never meet the Master.

As more and more Prana crystallizes into a crystal – Waveli hears the sound of an incoming FaceTime call. There’s an image of mom on the screen.

Mom didn’t quite understand what Gali was rambling about, but was still happy to hear her daughter’s voice.

It’s like radio waves, Gali said.

The radio has news, songs, and commercials, mom thought, sometimes people talk nonsense there too, but the most important is that her daughter is healthy and intact.

Father still sends you money, yes he sends, how is he, he’s with his whore in Tuscany, looking for another investment property, don’t talk about your father like that, you’re right, Waveli said, and sent him meta and compassion, we are all beings of light and love in this world, so explain to me, mom asked, are you more spiritual there or what, Waveli hastened to reply, mom, there’s no such thing as more spiritual and less spiritual, it’s just people who chose to be more aware, anyone can do it, we are all beings of light and love in this world.

The call was over. Waveli didn’t feel like she could practice now, so she went to a sacred singing circle at the Only Love Bungalow, and then a tantric orgy.


Waveli became a radio wave for the second time at Burningman, with no LSD and no nothing.

She only did ecstasy.

For two years she has been trying to meet the Master, in Bali, in Goa, in Rishikesh, in the Caribbeans, in the Canaries, in the Maldives, but no success.

Her camp had put on a supersonic display of hybrid unicorns with tooth fairies, made of crystals that were plucked from the center of the earth, floating in the air, on top of an ancient olive wood Chinese dragon spitting glitter.

The performance represents, Waveli explained to the news reporter, the community, the giving, and of course the absolute freedom that are fundamental core values ​​in the heart of every Burner and Burnerette.

Tell us a few words about Burningman for those who don’t know it, asked the reporter.

Well here at Burning Man you can be whoever you want and whatever you want, Waveli replied proudly. Wanna be spiritual? Be spiritual. Wanna be an eco-activist? Be an eco-activist. Wanna be Mother Fucking Teresa? There in the corner is a camp that ordains for priesthood.

Amazing, amazing, you’re blowing my mind, said the reporter, and what do you do for a living, if I may ask?

For a living I just live, Waveli said, and her wit surprised even herself, why do we always have to define everything?

The reporter switched to Tildi, another Burner from the camp.

Do you also just live for a living?

If only Tildi had had a daddy and a whore in Tuscany, or time to help others in her daily life too, the whole world could’ve benefited from displays of unicorn-tooth-fairies made of crystal floating on top of a wooden dragon spitting glitter, but what can you do, the air-conditioned festival trailer won’t air-condition itself, neither will the apartment in the city center, and Tildi is an analyst at a venture capital by day, a sacred crystal by night.

That’s how it is in life, the secret lies in the balance.

The reporter went on to interview all the members of the Dragon-Fairy camp: Color Ben-Love, a member of the Society of Messiahs, who told him about the Kabbalistic trip in which the secrets of the Hebrew Bible were revealed to him, which brought him to found the Other Choir, in which all the Others gazed with wistful eyes at the main Other; Prana-Ananda (former Kimberly McMacson) told of her channeling the exalted spiritual being Zerubbabel, and of the sacred vaccination she took of absolute free choice, in order to continue spreading light and love throughout the globe; And Mukta-Ananda, the Indian who converted to Judaism and repented, said that a Jew is the one chosen to lead the camp of humanity, and told about the moments when he feels one with the Creator.

Waveli was tired of the troublesome interview and went to a sacred shamanism and tantra ceremony. These reporters don’t know what they’re talking about, she thought as she sat in meditation and dived deep into her own abyss, knowing that only from the darkest depths does the true light shine.

She rose to a high frequency and transmitted to the entire desert, another Burner’s lingam entered into her Yoni’s cervix and she trembled all over the earth, in such a state of consiousness there’s a direct energetic connection to all nine billion human hearts, it’s possible to heal much more on the astral plane than on the physical one, every time Waveli experienced an octagonal ecstatic orgasm, a starving child in Africa received a hot meal, each time she overcame a childhood guilt, a homeless mother in the Philippines found a safe roof over her head.

She saw the light approaching, and vibrated towards it.

The Master is there.

The wavelength shortened, the frequency increased, there she comes, she’ll finally know why, a little more love, a little more compassion, at the last moment they announced that the festival was over.

Disappointed but encouraged, Waveli joined the ecological camp. They held hands, stood in a two miles long long line, and collected all the waste from the sacred desert soil, down to the last tinsel. They then placed the tinsels in a black plastic garbage bag and threw it in the container.

Finally, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell came with the truck, and took all the trash back to Neverland.


A year later, in Maui, Hawaii, Gali met the Master.

It happened in a quiet moment, while walking on the beach at sunset, after she had already returned to being Gali, and was reflecting on the wheel of life, about years in which she has searched and hasn’t found her heart’s desire.

The waves crashed against the huge cliffs, the hot wind ruffled her hair, and as soon as the red sun kissed the horizon, Gali became a radio wave again, just like that.

She vibrated in the soft sand, moving from one grain to another, until a big wave came and swept her into the ocean. There, with an almost zero amplitude, the Master vibrated at a slow frequency.

What are you looking for, girl, he asked, truth, I’m looking for truth, are you sure, he asked, and Gali said yes, even though she knew the answer was no, because in my opinion you’re not looking for truth but for happiness, and those are two very different things, and so what if I’m looking for happiness, so I would tell you that man is born with a strange vessel in his hand, it’s only filled when poured from, but I don’t think that metaphor will put your mind to rest, you know it’s not that simple, right, I know, well what is it, what is it that you’re looking for, love, vibrated Gali, and The Master stood still, freedom, vibrated Gali, and The Master stood still, so what, what is it that I’m looking for, pleasure, vibrated the Master, pleasure is the highest truth of life, all else is man’s doomed-to-failure attempt to deny his own nature, now come, come sit in my lap, you beautiful vessel, let me show you what real pleasure is.

Gali’s wave merged with the wise Master’s wave, and vibrated slowly, heavily, long.

When she returned to her body, she felt that apart from her skin she had no organs.

She boarded a plane back home, closed the bank account her father had opened for her, and went to work at a battered women shelter.

Her vessel slowly began to fill.

Writing about a new world isn’t enough. One must live it.

In accordance with the principles of Social Threefolding and will-based economics, I’ve decided to offer all of my work on this planet free of charge.

You may read about it right here

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